Monkswalk2 2632

Photography (KS5)


The KS5 Curriculum

Year 12 is dedicated to the practical introduction to photography’s formal elements and technical knowledge of the camera and the editing of photography. Students demonstrate their learned knowledge and understanding through their own practical work and responses in their photography.  Before developing a personal theme towards the end of year 12 and into the first half of year 13. This concludes in the January of Year 13 when students produce a final response to their personal exploration of their chosen theme. This personal portfolio is supported with an extended essay exploring thematically their theme from the history of photography and including contemporary photography. From the February of Year 13 students pursue their ESA (externally set assignment). This unit's theme will be externally set by the exam board but internally marked. Students have to cover all four objectives set out by EDEXCEL as a new portfolio of work with a period of controlled assessment towards the end of a specific allocated period of study.

Year 12

Year 13