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The KS3 Curriculum
We aim to offer a wide-ranging and modern Computing curriculum that encompasses skills for the world of work and up-to-the-moment graphics, animation and web design software. The department also believes that computing has enormous educational benefits, by incorporating more programming into our curriculum it will facilitate thinking and problem-solving skills in students.
Students at Monk’s Walk School will follow the PG Online resources and adapt these units to suit our student’s needs and future pathways. In Year 9 students complete topics such as Computer Systems, Programming and Graphic formats to prepare them for GCSE Computer Science. Other topics such as Web Development and Graphic design, prepare students for Level 1/2 Creative i-Media at KS4.
In year 7, students are given a basic grounding in the main underlying concepts of computing and creative i-Media such as block programming and this is built on and developed further in Year 8 using higher-level languages such as Python.
Students will develop their computing skills which are embedded throughout each unit of study. These include graphical drawings, planning a media product and reviewing their own work.