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What is it like to study French at Monk's Walk School?
Pupils enjoy developing their linguistic skills in the four key areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing, whilst building a solid knowledge of key grammar, as well as a mix of high frequency and topic-specific vocabulary. They also study phonics and how to understand and say words correctly. This will allow them to use language accurately and creatively. Studies are enhanced through gaining an appreciation of cultural diversity and the use of authentic material from French-speaking countries.
The curriculum is further enriched through a variety of in-school activities, such as participation in the European Day of Languages, House events, Writing and other competitions, and Pen Pal opportunities with a French school. In addition, the school offers a variety of external trips to France, as well as a French exchange in year 9.
How is French assessed?
Students are assessed using a variety of formative and summative assessments in each of the 4 key skills. In addition, throughout all key stages, students are tested regularly on vocabulary and grammar, which are set as prep or revision outside of the classroom.
The KS3 Curriculum
There is a high focus on phonics, high frequency vocabulary and grammar basics. These form the building blocks from which students can further develop their confidence and ability to understand and create language themselves. Students extend their repertoire grammatically by learning to use the past tense, so that by the end of year 8 they are able to understand and communicate in three tenses. In year 9, students continue to build on what they have been learning in year 8, gaining confidence in all skill areas, and the highlight for many is the study of a French film, “Les Choristes.”
KS3 Subject Overviews
Year 7 Language Guide
The KS4 Curriculum
Students at Monk’s Walk school follow the Edexcel specification which covers five themes of learning:
Identity and Culture, including family, friendship, relationships, technology, free time activities and celebrations.
Local area, holiday and travel, including where I live and holiday and travel.
Work and future plans.
International and global dimension.
KS4 Subject Overviews
The KS5 Curriculum
Students at Monk’s Walk school follow the AQA specification for A level which covers the following:
Artistic Culture in the French-speaking world, including cultural heritage, French music and cinema.
Aspects of French-speaking society including family life, the impact of technology, the voluntary sector (Year 12); the current issues of diversity, marginalisation, criminality (Year 13).
Aspects of Political Life in the French-Speaking World, including political engagement, strikes and political response to immigration.
Students also study a book, currently “No et Moi” (Delphine de Vigan) and a film, “La Haine” (M. Kassovitz).
Students also complete an individual research project on a subject of their choosing.