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The KS3 Curriculum
In the food rotations students will learn skills and techniques involved in the preparation of meat, fish and vegetables which are then used for preparing a range of main meal dishes. They will be taught the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, instilling a love of cooking and developing a repertoire of dishes useful for later life.
In the DT rotations students will learn to design, make and evaluate a range of projects. They will develop skills in a range of specialist areas, using a wide range of tools, techniques, processes and materials. These include using the sewing machines for fabric products in Textile. Using saws, chisels and files in the wood and metal workshops. Learning how to use the laser cutter and CAD packages like sketch up and 2D design in graphics and the control projects. Over the 3 years students will undertake 9 different projects that will give them a range of useful life skills.
Subject Overviews
Year 7
Year 8
Year 8/9 (Students will study one topic in Year 8, and the other in Year 9, or vice versa)
Year 9
KS3 Key Concepts and skills information
DT Key concepts and skills sheet
Food Key Concepts and Skills Sheet