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The KS4 Curriculum
KS4 is an extension of KS3, but now students can choose their favourite area to study in.
- DT Graphics
- DT Textiles
- DT Product Design
- Food and Nutrition
In all the 3 DT areas offered to students they will study all 5 materials and learn the theory of them to enable them to answer the exam papers. They will also all learn CAD skills and use the laser cutter and 3D printers. They will learn design skills, relevant to their chosen topic and they will learn the skills required to work with their chosen material.
- In Textiles students will design and make products using a range of fabrics, decorative techniques and sewing skills.
- In DT Product Design students will design and make products in wood, metal and plastics using the relevant tools and machinery.
- In Graphics students will design and make products in paper, card and board such as MDF, learning and using the laser cutter and CAD.
All three areas will do practice projects throughout year 10. This will include making skills with tools and equipment, it will include the manipulation of materials and practice coursework folders to prepare students for the NEA. The titles for the NEA come from the exam board on the first of June in year 10 and students can choose one to work to for their final assessment piece that is worth 50% of the GCSE.
In Food and Nutrition students will study the AQA GCSE syllabus. They will develop and build on skills learnt in KS3. Practical and technical skills such as: Portioning a chicken, making a range of pastries, sauces, and custard. They will learn the importance of eating a varied, balanced diet and how the body’s requirements vary throughout life. They will study proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in depth and apply this knowledge when selecting recipes and evaluating their suitability for a set task/ life stage. Students will develop and build their bank of practical skills and undertake tasks to build their confidence and abilities towards the three-hour practical assessment at the end. Students will understand the scientific links and uses of foods and their properties, such as coagulation, chemical and biological raising agents, heat transfer and their effects on food. At the end of the 2 year course, the assessment will consist of a controlled assessment task which can only be completed in class time and an exam paper.